Trust and Security builds a strong foundation

Shift Divisions

Are you ready to change?
Are you ready to dare to go further than you ever thought possible?
To make your deepest desires, your wildest dreams come true?
Are you ready to look at yourself in the mirror, just the way you are, with all the beautiful and less beautiful sides?
Ready to accept all obstacles and heal them from within?

THE SHIFT Divisons

In addition to our open sessions, concerts and workshops, our work increasingly focuses on in-depth engagements. This is the best way for us to really do something and to feel each other. If we can assist and guide you on your path, it is necessary for us to build strong mutual trust, only then can we create the safety on which we can build. There are two major shift routes within our range. You can read more about these two routes via the links below.

Which SESSIONS can you follow without beiing A SHIFTER?

Many of our sessions are freely accessible and are also there to come and taste our offer, to get to know our way of working and 'being'. Such public sessions include: cacao ceremonies, djembe sessions, breathing sounds, horse circles, taki concerts, heartbeat concerts, sweat lodges, sound healing training, touch of love, voice liberation, Icaro, Touch of Women and all personal sessions. You do not have to be a shifter for these sessions.


Sessions with a greater depth also require a deeper commitment to yourself. These sessions will be marked on our site with this logo (see photo on the right) and the text: "only for shifters". Sessions only for Shifters are:

  • Opening of the heart

  • Season's Shift

  • Warmi Qhari

  • Icaro Orinoco

  • The Circle of Medicine Men Weekend

  • Inner Fire Retreat

  • Golden Vision

  • Sweatlodge Women Medicine

These sessions require a necessary follow-up, which is only possible if you make a commitment to us to actually meet each other regularly, which is why these sessions are only for "shifters".


Many of you who have been following sessions with us for years may not realize that they are actually allready shifters. You only need to make this official by communicating this to us. This communication is also an energetic contract with yourself, you confirm the deep commitment to yourself by crystallizing it.

Currently, there are two ways to become, or already be a shifter. Either you have followed the Season's Shift process with us which makes you a shifter for life or you register yourself for an 'engagement Shift'. Someone who has followed the Season's Shift is therefore a lifelong shifter, so you always have access to all sessions (for an extra discount after the trajectory, you have to enter an engagement shift again). You can't follow the Season's Shift process without doing an Engagement Shift first.

An engagement shift is actually an "introduction" and building a relationship of trust over a period of 6 months. You can read all the information about this process on the 'Engagement Shift' page, but briefly it boils down to this: “After an intake interview, a period of 6 months follows in which you commit to 6 sessions of your choice during this time. (private sessions or group sessions). The intention is that we see you at least 6 times in that period to follow you, feel and connect. This builds a relationship of trust and this is how we can best guide you within our offer. ” After this engagement process, you will also be ready to participate in the Season's Shift annual process.


As this is a fairly new way of working within TWA, we will also take into account a bridging period to switch from one way of working to another. For example; we have already received reactions from people who are not shifters and have no intention of folowing a shift proces, who have followed sessions for many years that are not accessible to shifters. We will look at everything personally and individually, but we recommend everyone to choose an 'engagement shift' to be able to use the 'shift access'.


The people who enter a shift process (Engagement shift or Season's Shift) receive a discounted rate on all sessions we give. This reduced price is also indicated in our price table for each session. The shift discount is effective during the time of the shift trajectory. If you have followed a Season's Shift year trajectory, you will receive a lifetime discount on our "opening of the heart" sessions. If you, as a "Shifter" wish to continue to enjoy the discount on all other sessions, you will once again enter into an "engagement shift" after your Season's Shift process, so that we can follow up on you.gagement.